Monday, June 29, 2015


McCartney's vegan restaurant featuring Beatles-themed menu items
(a la carte)

                             Yellow Submarine sandwich,

Give Peas A Chance soup, 

Lovely Pita pizza or falafel, 

Glass Onion Ringos,

John Lennonade,

Leninade is NOT on the menu:
although a "Power To The People" pickle works.

Sgt. Pepper grinders,

Mean Mr. Mustard

Beatle Juice, 

Let It Beet,

Lucy In The Sky With Almonds milk, 

 or cereal, 

Savoy Truffles, 

Strawberry Fields yogurt, 
That ad is for a dairy yogurt joint.
McCartney's should have only non-dairy yogurts,



A MacNut milk shake would make perfect sense at McCartney's.

George Hare-sunrise potatoes,
or George Harri-Sundae dessert,

Since Paul's solo band was Wings, 
meatless wings have to be on the menu,
maybe one of these:

Macca-roni, McRoni or Paul McCaroni,
a pasta with vegan pepperoni

All You Knead Is Bread
Veganize any recipe in that book for McCartney's

In 2011, 100 signed a twitition saying they'd rather eat at McCartney's than McDonald's.
In 2014, over 600 signed here to appeal to Paul McCartney to set up a veggie-burger chain in Linda's memory.

It does seem to be fate that Beatle $ is going into the vegan restaurant business since Paul's x-wife Heather has her V-Bites going, but should she get to have all the fun?

In 2015 #BeatlesRecipes trended on twitter, so more menu ideas are coming from there, like:

The Long & Winding Roti
The Salad Of John & Yoko
Happiness Is A Warm Bun
She Loves Stew
I Slaw Her Standing There
Eleanor Rigatoni
Penne Lane
Peas Please Me
Ticket To Rice
I Get Pie With A Little Help From My Friends
Here Comes The Sundae
Mother Nature's Sundae
I Want To Hold Your Bran
I Want To Hold Your Flan
I Am The Walnuts Banana Bread
Doughnut Let Me Down
Chard Day's Night
I Am The Eggplant
While My Green Tea Gently Steeps
Old Brown Stew
Love Me Stew
Instant Korma
The Hippy Hippy Cake
Hello Good Pie
Why Don't We Fondue It In The Road
Curry That Weight
Let It Pea
Let It Brie

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